We left Saturday afternoon for Pendelton, SC to visit Jason's anut and uncle. I had hope the kids would take naps in the car, but this didn't happen so we decided to take Arlene up on her offer and keep Rachel. It was nice having special time with Josh. I enjoy special outings with each kid ever now and then so that we or I can focus just on them and make them feel extra special. Rachel and I have had some fun coffee dates but not as many with Josh.
We didn't stay for the whole game but stayed long enough for Josh to enjoy it, practice holding hands and smiling to people, meet the tiger, and more. I thought for a minute or two during the game that Josh was going to fall asleep on me, but curiosity kept him awake.
Awww, go TIgers! So glad you got to go to the game and had a fun time. Love seeing pics of the growing kiddos :)
Looks like a fun trip! And you're right...it could be worse; we are 14 hours from grandparents!!!
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