Sunday, March 28, 2010

Our Silly little kids

Just a few random photos and updates...

Here's Rachel sporting a new outfit along with her accessories galore. She was walking around like this with her purse and shopping cart too! She is a really funny girl!

This is what she looks like after eating yogurt- ah!

The weather here has been on and off great. On the good days, we've been able to explore some new nearby parks. Whee and... ahh! were Josh's expressions : )

This photo was taken of Josh one day when he didn't take a nap. He decided to play with some of the boxes. This one became his favorite and we turned it into a robot and punching stars in it. Boxes are such great free toys for kids!

Last Friday we enjoyed a family movie night and watched Up! I was amazed at how long the kids sat and watched the movie. It was a good and bad thing. I just don't want to overdo it with the TV and/or online viewing. Do you have a set time limit per day or per week on what your child watches? Would love to know your thoughts.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

We have moved!!!

Everything has happened so fast. We started shopping for a home after Thanksgiving and decided that we were going to rent our old home. Jan.1st the home we now own was put on the market. We saw the home on Jan. 4th and put an offer on it a week later. Another week went by and we put a counter offer on the home. A few weeks later, we closed on the house, found a renter in a week and a half for our old home, and then moved. Whew!

We've always been interested in moving primarily for a bigger kitchen, but I didn't realize what a huge ordeal packing is. Today marks the third garbage day since we have lived here and I'm just looking forward to no more boxes in the next few weeks. I realize there will still be things we have in boxes, but most will be gone.

I haven't taken any photos of the new home, but boy do I have some fun looking old photos of the house. The prior owners had some interesting wallpapers and curtains; none that were my taste. We've been making updates and will continue doing this for probably several years as everything can not be done all at once. Too expensive and overwhelming. But, we have done a lot already and we are very happy with our new home. I'll try to post some photos soon.

Happy Birthday Josh!

Our little boy is now three years old! Since we closed on our new house the Friday before his birthday we didn't do much. But, we did celebrate with family and have candles. Whenever I asked Josh what he wanted for his birthday, he said, "candles." What a sweet boy. So simple. I love it!

Here are some pictures of his "Lightnin' McQueen" cupcakes. He absolutely LOVES the movie Cars, so I got these little toppers for his cupcakes. It also helped make things easier for Mommy.

As you can see, Rachel loved the cupcakes too.
She had a different eating technique though.

Updates on Josh: he can successfully and consistently count 13 and maybe more. He can sing his ABC's as well as other favorite songs. His recent favorite toy is an aqua coloring book he got for his birthday. He spent at least an hour coloring it the first day he got it. Oh, thank you Nana! He loves his Sissy very much and always prayers for her first as well as Mommy and Daddy. He has two different blessings that he likes to say, "God is Great" and "Thank you God for Sissy. Thank you God for everything." This last one is my favorite. The inflection in his voice when he says everything is SO sweet. It makes me smile to God every time : )

He is 34.25 lbs (73%) and 3 ft. 1 in. (33%). So it looks like some more growing will be coming soon. He's a little short for his age right now, but I'm not concerned and neither is the doctor. I'm sure he will catch up soon!