Monday, December 28, 2009

Merry Christmas!!!

We are currently in Tennessee enjoying the cool sunny weather while warming up inside by the fire. Ah, it's very peaceful at the moment, but there have been lots of crying spells recently. It's been a long break so far due to the kid's health. A few days before Christmas Josh got a cold, then a fever, and is finally getting better a week later. Rachel on the other hand has never been so discontent. She has the same cold as Josh and had a fever for two days but is slowly getting better. She's never cried this much; ever. Thankfully Daddy is around to help and is doing a great job. We are just praying that the kids get better soon and that we won't get sick as well.

Back to more positive thoughts though. The holidays have been a lot of fun! We've had a chance to visit family in SC, had family come and visit us, and now visit family in TN. My recent distractions from blogging have been family and house shopping. Over Thanksgiving we decided that we plan to rent our house and more somewhere hopefully closer to Jason's office. We are looking into a certain area and know what we want in the house (a bigger kitchen and some other things) but are having trouble finding one within our price range. So the search is still on. I'm trying not to have it consume my life, but there are SO many homes, so many neighborhoods, and so many things to consider. Just praying for the right one to come along... hopefully soon.

Hope you are well and enjoying this special season with family and friends!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Thanksgiving at the beach!

This Thanksgiving our destination was Myrtle Beach for two reasons. Jason's parents had a place to stay there and his Uncle Russell would be able to come and visit from NC after just getting back from Afghanistan. This visit with family was a huge answer to pray.

We took several family photos but could not get one decent one with both kids looking at the camera. (Urgh) I still haven't gotten the Christmas cards together but was hoping we would get a picture from this trip. I guess it might just have to be one of Jason and I then insert the kids beside us. Below were some of my favorites though that I had to post. Josh enjoyed pretending to be a pirate and put seashells on his eyes like Daddy. Such boys.

For those of you that don't know. The day after Thanksgiving is important for shopping but also for the Carolina Clemson Game. As you can see from our sweaters, I am a Gamecock fan and Jason is a Clemson fan. In case you're not a football fan, it's still important to know that the Gamecocks won this year. Go Gamecocks!

Thank you God for bringing us all safely together.

A Fall trip

I'm playing catch up tonight on old pictures and blog posts. Here are a few pictures from a trip to Oma and Opa's house when Daddy was in Israel and it was still fall.

Rachel loving on Gentoo, our dog.

Josh enjoying the great outdoors and everyday sticks;
something a boy can't live without.

Exploring the rainforest at a children's museum.

I love Rachel's face in this shot. So cute!