Sunday, June 22, 2008

Four Wonderful Years!

Thursday, June 19th, Jason and I celebrated our 4 year anniversary. We got to go on a lovely date to Aqua Terra with Rachel while Jason's mom took care of Josh. They both did great. Rachel slept all the way through our date until the dessert came. I guess that means she's got a sweet tooth.

Anyway, it's amazing looking at our family now and thinking back when it was just the two of us. I loved the first two years and equally embrace and love these two years we've had with Josh and now Rachel. I can't wait to see what life will be like 4 more years from now, and then four more, and four more, etc. I'm so thankful to be married to my best friend!

Love you honey!!!!!!


Susanna Rose said...

Congrats guys! We're excited to see the way God is blessing you and your growing family!:)

Kate said...

Congratulations! And beautiful picture by the way! We have so much in common...our 4th anniv is next Feb!

Elaine said...

So glad Aqua Terra worked out for the 4 year marker! Rachel's a girl after my own heart if she's got a sweet tooth! :)