Did you know that our son LOVES fruit as do most toddlers, I think! Josh likes all kinds- blackberries, blueberries, strawberries, plums, tomatoes, apples, and more. This past week he enjoyed watermelon with the core on for the first time. Hmm, hmm!
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Hmm, hmm... fruit
Did you know that our son LOVES fruit as do most toddlers, I think! Josh likes all kinds- blackberries, blueberries, strawberries, plums, tomatoes, apples, and more. This past week he enjoyed watermelon with the core on for the first time. Hmm, hmm!
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Four Wonderful Years!
Thursday, June 19th, Jason and I celebrated our 4 year anniversary. We got to go on a lovely date to Aqua Terra with Rachel while Jason's mom took care of Josh. They both did great. Rachel slept all the way through our date until the dessert came. I guess that means she's got a sweet tooth.

Anyway, it's amazing looking at our family now and thinking back when it was just the two of us. I loved the first two years and equally embrace and love these two years we've had with Josh and now Rachel. I can't wait to see what life will be like 4 more years from now, and then four more, and four more, etc. I'm so thankful to be married to my best friend!

Anyway, it's amazing looking at our family now and thinking back when it was just the two of us. I loved the first two years and equally embrace and love these two years we've had with Josh and now Rachel. I can't wait to see what life will be like 4 more years from now, and then four more, and four more, etc. I'm so thankful to be married to my best friend!
Love you honey!!!!!!
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Welcome to this world...
Guest Post by Jason...

She's here... safe and sound. Rachel was born yesterday at 4:27pm. She's a healthy 7lbs and 8oz and is 20 inches long. We think she looks like her brother... scroll down for more pictures.

Monday, June 9, 2008
We're off to have a baby!
First, I have to say that my opinion of induction has changed. Wow- this labor and delivery was fast. I couldn't believe it! For those of you interested in the details, read on; otherwise, just enjoy the pictures.
I was admitted to the hospital around 11:00am. I received IV fluids around 12:15pm soon after passing out. I have great veins, but evidently the nurse couldn't get my blood. I ended up passing out on the second try. Then the third time worked. I received pitocin, a man-made hormone that induces labor, at 1:30pm and began minor contractions in the next hour. At this point I had dilated 4 cm and was still 75% effaced. At 3:00pm my doctor came in and broke my water. Oh, what fun- warm fluid slowly gushing out of me. This definitely got things going.
In the next hour, I experienced more frequent and severe contractions to the point where I was getting angry at Jason as he was coaching me on my breathing. For some reason, I couldn't stand for him to use the word "deep" or "big" when describing a breath. Instead, we focused on the words "breath in through your nose and out through your mouth." Soon after this, the coaching had to change to simply counting as the contractions were a lot worse, "one, two, t h r e e" and so on. This is when I requested for the anesthesiologist to come knowing that it would take as long as 30 minutes before he could make it. Oh boy, the next few minutes were the hardest.
The anesthesiologist arrived, I received an epidural, and the medicine slowly seeped in. I could still feel the contractions and was beginning to feel the need to push (I don't remember that with Josh, probably because I had had the epidural a lot longer with him). Next, the nurse called for my doctor, he arrived at about 4:15pm and I had dilated to 9.5 cms. At this point, I was concerned with who was going to take a picture of Rachel, so Jason went and got the camera as Dr. D is saying "push. Alright, one more time." And that's it. She was born at 4:27pm. I couldn't believe it!
I was admitted to the hospital around 11:00am. I received IV fluids around 12:15pm soon after passing out. I have great veins, but evidently the nurse couldn't get my blood. I ended up passing out on the second try. Then the third time worked. I received pitocin, a man-made hormone that induces labor, at 1:30pm and began minor contractions in the next hour. At this point I had dilated 4 cm and was still 75% effaced. At 3:00pm my doctor came in and broke my water. Oh, what fun- warm fluid slowly gushing out of me. This definitely got things going.
In the next hour, I experienced more frequent and severe contractions to the point where I was getting angry at Jason as he was coaching me on my breathing. For some reason, I couldn't stand for him to use the word "deep" or "big" when describing a breath. Instead, we focused on the words "breath in through your nose and out through your mouth." Soon after this, the coaching had to change to simply counting as the contractions were a lot worse, "one, two, t h r e e" and so on. This is when I requested for the anesthesiologist to come knowing that it would take as long as 30 minutes before he could make it. Oh boy, the next few minutes were the hardest.
The anesthesiologist arrived, I received an epidural, and the medicine slowly seeped in. I could still feel the contractions and was beginning to feel the need to push (I don't remember that with Josh, probably because I had had the epidural a lot longer with him). Next, the nurse called for my doctor, he arrived at about 4:15pm and I had dilated to 9.5 cms. At this point, I was concerned with who was going to take a picture of Rachel, so Jason went and got the camera as Dr. D is saying "push. Alright, one more time." And that's it. She was born at 4:27pm. I couldn't believe it!
Today is delivery day...
Well, I think so. I called the hospital this morning to make sure there was availibility for me to come in for my scheduled induction at 8:30am. They looked at there updated list for the day, saw my name, and it was crossed off! Evidently their records said that I had a baby on the 4th; very bizare espcially since I didn't schedule the induction with the doctor until the 5th. So, I assured the woman over the phone that YES, I still have a baby inside of me and am eager to deliver. She told me that I can now come in at 11:00am.
So far we have had a relaxing morning, went to Panera for breakfast, and are waiting for time to pass by. Just wanted to give you guys an update. We will post any news once she's born, or incase things are delayed again. Here's a picture of Josh right after he was born. I was going through these pictures yesterday and was just amazed at how big he is now. Wow, what an amazing creation that God gave us! We can't wait to meet Rachel!
So far we have had a relaxing morning, went to Panera for breakfast, and are waiting for time to pass by. Just wanted to give you guys an update. We will post any news once she's born, or incase things are delayed again. Here's a picture of Josh right after he was born. I was going through these pictures yesterday and was just amazed at how big he is now. Wow, what an amazing creation that God gave us! We can't wait to meet Rachel!

Thursday, June 5, 2008
One day til D-Day
Little known fact, tomorrow is D-Day and what I'm calling my D-Day, "Delivery Day." We'll hopefully that is ; )
This morning was very, very long. Josh and I had a wonderful breakfast together at Panera Bread, then headed off to the doctor at 9:45am, and did not get home until 12:30pm! Josh did well for the most part, but we had one or two moments where I the volume level got loud. From him, not me.
I was warned that appointments with this one doctor often ran late, but I was optimistic since it was a morning appointment. So, I still question- should I have brought Josh or not? Well, the day is done. We're back home now. We all had naps, so all is well : ) But, I could have used some relief earlier this morning. Fortunately there was another little girl, 13 months old, that Josh got to converse with. She even blew him kisses. It was so cute!
I am presently 75% effaced and have dilated 3 cm. We got to see Rachel and she is doing great. From the ultrasound they estimate she is about 7 lbs and 3 ozs. (about what I was expecting). In my meeting with the doctor he mentioned how I am favorable for an induction and that nothing good comes from a baby past 40 weeks except delivery. So, I went ahead and scheduled an induction for Monday, but am still hestitant about this decision for several reasons. One, I really would like Rachel to come naturally and in God's timing. Second, if I am scheduling I would like to choose a specific doctor and the one I prefer is not one call until later next week. So... we will see.
Please continue to pray for a successful, healthy, and soon delivery. A friend mentioned how Saturday would be a cool date and I am all about that since it would be very easy to remember. So, if you want to know what day I'm shooting for it's June 7th, 2008= 06-07-08
Off to go enjoy a dinner out with my boys. We are going to P.F. Chang's and I'm going to get Spicy eggplant. I like it and hope it will help with delivery. It's a safe and good effort at least.
This morning was very, very long. Josh and I had a wonderful breakfast together at Panera Bread, then headed off to the doctor at 9:45am, and did not get home until 12:30pm! Josh did well for the most part, but we had one or two moments where I the volume level got loud. From him, not me.
I was warned that appointments with this one doctor often ran late, but I was optimistic since it was a morning appointment. So, I still question- should I have brought Josh or not? Well, the day is done. We're back home now. We all had naps, so all is well : ) But, I could have used some relief earlier this morning. Fortunately there was another little girl, 13 months old, that Josh got to converse with. She even blew him kisses. It was so cute!
I am presently 75% effaced and have dilated 3 cm. We got to see Rachel and she is doing great. From the ultrasound they estimate she is about 7 lbs and 3 ozs. (about what I was expecting). In my meeting with the doctor he mentioned how I am favorable for an induction and that nothing good comes from a baby past 40 weeks except delivery. So, I went ahead and scheduled an induction for Monday, but am still hestitant about this decision for several reasons. One, I really would like Rachel to come naturally and in God's timing. Second, if I am scheduling I would like to choose a specific doctor and the one I prefer is not one call until later next week. So... we will see.
Please continue to pray for a successful, healthy, and soon delivery. A friend mentioned how Saturday would be a cool date and I am all about that since it would be very easy to remember. So, if you want to know what day I'm shooting for it's June 7th, 2008= 06-07-08
Off to go enjoy a dinner out with my boys. We are going to P.F. Chang's and I'm going to get Spicy eggplant. I like it and hope it will help with delivery. It's a safe and good effort at least.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Getting ready for Rachel
Update: June 6th is Rachel's due date
This week is definitely going by slower than last week for many reasons. One, I'm more tired, two, it's HOT, and three, I'm ready to have a baby! Not a waking hour goes by that I don't think, is it time? What if it happened now? What will happen first- contractions or will my water break? God only knows. No one else. Not me or Rachel. But, we are pretty ready for her arrival. Here's a picture of her nursery. I'm very excited and thankful how everything has come together.
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Our 1st Week of Summer
This past week, Josh and I have had lots of fun around the house, running errands, making messes, cleaning them up, and getting ready for Rachel.
- Monday- visited with The Longs, walked a lot, had Beaufort Stew and lots of yummy watermelon
- Tuesday- went to Decatur with Jenna and Benjamin, ate at Taqeuirra del Sol in a big boy chair (they didn't have highchairs or boosters!), had fried fish for the first time (didn't like it too much), but loved the guacamole
- Wednesday- went to Gymboree for the first time, loved it! We'll probablly join after Rachel's born
- Thursday- doctor's appts, me dressing Josh silly, and time outside picking grass, playing in the mulch, and pulling up painsies
- Friday- R&R, a trip to Babies 'R Us and BBB, not so much fun for Joshie
- Saturday- David's 1st Birthday!
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