Sunday, February 11, 2007

Waiting for the day to come.

Today was Josh's due date, but so far he has not decided to even consider entering this world yet. I guess he thinks that his womb is just too good to be true. I keep telling him how good it is out here and that there's a lot more to look at other than fluid. Today was pretty much like the past few days- waiting in anticipation, wondering is this the moment? Could it happen now? What if?

I'm having what I think are the typical Braxton-Hicks contractions and in addition to those, sharp shooting pains around my right thigh and check. These are labor pains, but as I'm imagining, just a snippet of what true labor will be like. Friday at school was tough. During my 6th grade class I had at least six of these shooting pains. I was forced to stay on the podium rather than walk around the classroom to adjust students' positions. Afterwards when walking to office, I experienced even more. The interesting thing is that the past three days I've consistently gotten these pains around the same time, after lunch. I'm thinking it's Josh's way of saying, "Hey there, stop eating. I don't have much room in here! Let me try moving around a little bit. Hmm... I wonder what that will do?" and so on.

Thursday was another doctor's appointment and I was told that I'm the same from last week; one centimeter dilated and 80% effaced. Josh has been in ready position, that is head down, for several weeks now, but isn't nearing the exit door anymore. So, we scheduled another appointment for Thursday if Josh isn't here before then.

I'm thinking Wednesday might be his BIG day though that's just a feeling. I've gotten over the fact that if he comes into this world on Valentine's Day that will be okay with me and I'm sure with him. If he were a girl however, the she might have more of a different opinion later in life having to share a birthday with a love holiday. Though, these are just thoughts.


lansacco said...

Hey Kim,

I hope you are well. I know exactly how it feels to wait and wait. But Josh will be here soon. Have you tried walking? That really helped me a lot and it kept my mind of that fact that Vinny was late. I will check back with you later. Hope the labor will goes smoothly. :)


Kathryn said...

Ya gotta hate it when your due date comes and goes... Those first babies are stubborn!!! Hang in there Kim! Josh will be here when God wants him to be here :-)

Anonymous said...

On the birth of your child,May the precious new life you've brought into the world bring you a world of new joys.Congratulations to you and the lucky little one.

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