The New Vinson Family!
Daddy kissing Josh
Nanna and "Gee" Vinson
photo taken on Thursday, about an hour after his birth

Josh and his pediatrician after being checked out.
He said, "He's one perfect baby."

Bebe and Josh. One happy grandma!

Gee and Josh.
Can you tell he's happy to have another grandson?

Mommy and Daddy Vinson as happy as can be!

Hi! Thanks so much for sharing your photos -- you all make a beautiful family! I can't wait to meet Josh ... he is quite the cutie! -- Sharon
Congratulations! He is precious and I know will bring you many happy times.
Kim! I am sooo happy for you! Josh is BEAUTIFUL and the pictures are so nice - looks like you had a professional photographer in the hospital! (smile)
We miss you at school!
Welcome to heaven! (smile)
Kim! Josh is sooo beautiful!!!! You all make a wonderful family. The pictures are great - looks like you had a professional photographer in the hospital! (smile) We miss you at school!
Welcome to HEAVEN! (smile)
On the birth of your child,May the precious new life you've brought into the world bring you a world of new joys.Congratulations to you and the lucky little one.
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