In Daddy's hands, Saturday 2-17-07

Getting dressed for home, Josh tugs on his hat.

All safe and sound in his carseat.

Getting checked out .
Where Josh was born, Gwinnett Medical Center.

Almost left walking, but they insisted on a wheelchair.

Brrr... a cool Febrauary day.

Latching him in.

Ready to go home.
We made it home.

Inspection time.

Gentoo and Josh face to face.

Loving both my babies.

Trying out his new chair.
Hi Jason & Kim,
Joshua is such a beautiful addition to already a beautiful family. Congratulations guys.
Jason and Kim,
This is so cool. Almost like being there. My "Indian Mamma" looks very happy to have a little grandson again to spoil!!!!!! Love to you all. I am so happy for you. Now starts the fun!!!!
Love, Natalie
I am so happy that Josh is here! Congratulations on the birth of a handsome little man! Kim, you look fabulous, too. Can't wait to get my hands on Josh and teach him all of those 'Bauknight' things. Much love and best wishes!
Mark, Mary Ellen, Clint, Cameron, and Katie
On the birth of your child,May the precious new life you've brought into the world bring you a world of new joys.Congratulations to you and the lucky little one.
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