While at the baby store yesterday I became a sucker for an adorable outfit. I've been very good about not buying any clothing items! In fact, I've only bought one! Well, now two. The first was a $4.00 onesie that says "Shhh... I'm downloading." If you know Jason, you know why I bought this. To add to this, I bought a "Dinosaur fleece" last night. It's the outfit in the middle with soft primary colors and an adorable dinosaur hood and not showing is a tail on the back. I packed Josh's bags this weekend and realized he didn't have anything that warm, so in a way he needed it. I told some teachers today at work, Dallas and Travis, and they joked that people are going to question, "So, did the baby come from the hospital or the zoo?" Har, har... I don't think Josh will be traumatized by the outfit needless to say.
In case you are wondering about the other two outfits, hmmm... well the next important one would be the "Peek-a-boo Gamecock" and then I guess, the "Clemson outfit" which my neighbors found and bought last night. I couldn't believe it! All in all, whatever your opinion may be, let's just say the Dinosaur one is the cutest!
In case you are wondering about the other two outfits, hmmm... well the next important one would be the "Peek-a-boo Gamecock" and then I guess, the "Clemson outfit" which my neighbors found and bought last night. I couldn't believe it! All in all, whatever your opinion may be, let's just say the Dinosaur one is the cutest!
On the birth of your child,May the precious new life you've brought into the world bring you a world of new joys.Congratulations to you and the lucky little one.
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Allow me to offer my heartiest wishes.
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