Last Monday when my mom was in town we got back from walking the dog and saw a baby bird crossing the road. We weren't sure what to do with it other than hover over it and say, "Awe." When the neighborhood cats starting coming closer however we decided that we needed to do something. We got a cardboard box and placed the bird in there for protection and put it on our back deck where the cats could not get it. We tried giving it some food and water but didn't have much luck. Later that evening my mom noticed some adult robins in the trees outside the deck looking on so were hopeful that one of these was the mommy bird.
The next morning the bird was still there. I called a wildlife rescue person and they recommended that we either call another person who might be able to come and get the bird and put it into captivity or we could try to leave the bird out and hope that it will be ok. I was still worried about all the cats we have in the neighborhood so we left the bird in the open box still, ran our errands, and came home. When we got back. It was gone! I was very excited and happy because I think it was rescued. I'll never know but want to think it was a happier ending than what would have happened if I left it with the cats. Can you tell that they loved watching the bird. I even let Josh try to feed it. Bye bye birdie!
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