Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy Halloween!

We hope you had a great Halloween! We dressed up, gave out some candy at the house, and then headed down the street to hang out with our neighbors on the cool autumn night. We enjoyed snacks and good drinks while staying warm by the fire pit in their front yard. Josh quickly figured out how to trick-or-treat. He grabbed a bucket and started walking around with it. We let him run around and have a few treats too (some M-n-Ms and Dum-Dums). Soon, it was way past bedtime and we all went to sleep. I'm still playing catch up since we've been out of town but hope to get some new posts up soon.

Here are some photos of my two little pumpkins from Halloween night. : )

1 comment:

Susanna Rose said...

I thought I commented on this post already but I guess not!;) Anyways, I love all these pictures and how cute that you had both the kids dressed up as pumpkins! I love Halloween more as a mom then I did as a kid I fun to get the kids dressed up don't you think?!:)