Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Diapering stories

I shared this story with a few of you and having been meaning to post it. It's the second to last day of school and I have some time to do some blogging, so here it is:

Two weeks ago I went in to check on Josh during his morning nap time. About 20 minutes had passed since I put him down and he didn't sound like he was going to sleep. So I wondered, "What's going on with him?" Well, it's a good thing I checked on him. He was standing in his crib with only a shirt on! That's right- no diaper. I found his gdiaper laying in his crib and fortunately they were both clean. Whew! I was relieved. This freedom wasn't a huge mess. I can only imagine what a little boy could do with the contents of a dirty diaper.

Last week, I went in to check on Josh after he had been asleep for over an hour and it was time for me to leave to go to work. He was still passed out, sleeping soundly, and what-do-ya-know his diaper was off again! This time the liner was still in between his legs and the cover was in the crib. Fortunately, no mess again- yeah!

So, for those of you out there that use gdiapers (a great hybrid cloth diaper, check it out at http://www.gdiaper.com/ ), my recommendation is to put pants or shorts on your little one before putting them down for a nap or you might have a surprise when you greet them from their nap. As far as the other diapers we use (Bummis Super Snap found at http://www.katieskisees.com/ or regular disposables) , those have all been fine so far.

Let me know if you having any good stories to share.

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