One Friday in September we drove Daddy to work, went to E-Day (special homeschool day at Perimeter), came home, and then picked Daddy up from work. After that, we began our journey to the city. We had dinner in the car, navigated through an expensive area of Atlanta suggested by the GPS, and an hour later arrived at our destination- The Georgia Aquarium!
We got to visit the aquarium with some expert volunteer divers, The Agustins. The family of five attend Classical Conversations with Josh and Rachel and invited us to go to the aquarium for FREE! It was a wonderful evening. We especially enjoyed the first hand knowledge that Diedre and Andrew had regarding the individual animals. Thank you for a great evening!

"Carl" the octopus was very active that night.
Apparently he rarely moves out of his cave.

Daddy and Rachel climbing through the penguin exhibit.
No way was I going down there being 35 weeks pregnant.

Sweet Rachel : )

Cheese : )

Studying the different fish.

Rachel making a fish face for me.

Me with Rebekah, 35 weeks

The dolphins! They were so entertaining. If they had lounge chairs in front of this exhibit I could have sat and watched them for hours! They were so much fun!
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