Friday, June 4, 2010

Meatless May

We survived our attempt of having a Meatless May. This wasn't too difficult since we included seafood in our diet. We had several people ask why we were doing it and all I said was "My husband wanted to try it so, I guess I will too." His reasoning was that he wanted to see if he felt different without meat and then when he added meats back in he also wanted to see if he could tell a difference from them too. So, that sums it up. We did allow the kids to eat meat if they wanted. They got to enjoy cold cuts, bacon, sausage and all that yummy goodness.

Now that May is over we are slowly adding good quality meats back into our diets; for example, grass fed beef, DeKalb Farmer's Market chickens, and local pork sausage. What we noticed last month was that we experimented with a lot more foods. Shrimp was probably our favorite since the kids love it, it's very easy to prepare, and is affordable. We should have eaten more fish but I never came across that many recipes with or for fish. Maybe next time we do this I will be ready to venture out a little more and learn how to prepare fish other ways. I know it should be easy but truth is I haven't prepared good quality fish much. We mostly eat grilled or baked salmon, frozen Mahi-Mahi from Whole Foods, and marinated fish from Trader Joe's.

One of my favorite dinners last month was Oysters Rockefeller. I really could eat raw or broiled oysters every week and not get sick of them. Recently I was reading on the Weston Price Foundation about how good they are for you- lots of vitamin B12 and zinc. We were able to find some easy to prepare from The Fresh Market. Next time, I hope to prepare some from a closed shell. We'll see. I've only done this once with my Mom and it was fun but still kind of hard to open if I remember correctly. Sounds like a fun food challenge for this summer!


Susanna Rose said...

What a neat idea! Ya, Rick and I finally watched Food Inc recently and that pretty much did it for us...good quality meat from the farmer's market is what we want to eat now!:)

The Vinsons said...

Yes! What a great and scary movie. It was very eye opening especially in regards to chicken and cattle. It's difficult for me to eat non-grass fed beef now.