I decided to be GUNG-HO about potty-training today. So what does that mean? It means that I am letting my child wear underwear and going to the bathroom about every 15-30 minutes in hopes that he won't have an accident. So far Josh has gone pee in the potty about eight times today, poo-poo once, and had three accidents. The accidents were a bit my fault b/c I lost track of time and was just about to take him. Another accident occurred upstairs in our bathroom when I was getting ready and Rachel turned some water one. I guess that triggered him to go. He's currently napping so I have no idea what going on with his bodily functions at the moment, but hopefully they are on hold til he wakes up.
Preceding today's events have been some potty-training moments such as: going pee-pee in the potty, of course, but the most important, Josh told me twice this past week that he needed to go, and then went. This comment and response is what I'm praying for and hoping will happen ever time. Although, it hasn't happened much today...
I still have hope and will stick with it! Right now he is enjoying the Elmo cover that goes on the seat and receiving a treat every time he goes. We have a potty that some friends loaned us that we will start using too especially when we go out of town. Please pray for us- specifically that Josh will learn to have control and will willingly go in the potty and of course, pray for patience for us.