On December 9th Rachel turned 6 months old. She's now half a year. I can hardly believe it. I just noticed that my last post was a while ago and I also noticed that I said Rachel was sleeping through the night. Well, two comments from that last post: 1) these kiddos sure have been keeping me busy. Right now they are both down for a nap, hurrah! and 2) she's not sleeping through the night anymore although I'm still hopeful that it will happen again.
We went to the doctor this week for Rachel's 6 month well visit and a sick visit for Josh. They both actually have colds right now, tis the season. Josh got a cold first and Rachel has just a little runny nose. I've tried to keep Josh off of her but he just loves to kiss on her and rub that runny nose all over her. Yuck! If only he loved to rub it into a kleenex, we would all be better.
So, here are her stats: She weighs 17lbs and 9.8 ozs. (76%). She is 28 inches long (97%). Her head circumference is 16.75 (48%). She is eating rice cereal, oatmeal, and applesauce. I wanted to start her on a vegetable first but she was uncomfortable from the rice cereal and I knew she needed something to help with that. The doctor recommended giving her some juice but I didn't have any so I gave her applesauce and it helped her take care of business. We will try a vegetable tomorrow and add on after that. While I don't want her to grow up to fast, I am eager to get out of this baby food stage. It seems to last forever. Oh well, that's just the way it goes. One pureed food at a time.

Here's a classic picture of Rachel sucking her thumb. I just love it!
Notice her teddy bear? IT says "My First Christmas."