Wednesday, September 24, 2008

A widget for listening



Susan said...

Hi, Kim! I couldn't find a contact e-mail, so I'll just comment here. . .

I can't believe how big Josh is! Last time I saw him he was so itty bitty! And my mom has told me what a sweetheart Rachel is, so I'm glad I finally get to see pictures :-).

Selling diapers and covers is definitely something I'm interested in doing eventually, but right now I haven't been licensed to sell from any of the patterns I use, so I'm not there yet!

Have you looked at proraps as an economical cover option? I've used some of them and really like them. They're not pretty, but they're functional. The regular price is $7 each ( has free shipping for covers), but if you order directly from the company, you can get "seconds" (cosmetic defect, not a functional defect) for $4.50 each if you order 6 or more. I haven't done that, but I know people online who have, and they can't tell what even rated them as "seconds". The number to order, if you're interested, is (800) 397-8594. Tell them you want second quality items. The ones I've used are the velcro prorap classics (the basic, not classic, is more plastic-y). Proraps are trim, so they work great with prefolds, but not with a lot of bulkier fitteds.

Susanna Rose said...

HEy Kim!

Man, I hadn't heard "The Remedy" for a long time but love that song so thanks for posting this!