Tuesday, November 13, 2007

A Morning Blessing

We headed off to the doctor to confirm some news we were wondering about this morning and .... I AM PREGNANT! I had an ultrasound done and they estimate that the baby will be due on June 6th, 2008 which will put Josh and his new brother or sister about 16 months apart. Whew- it will be fun! Just wanted to share the news. We are all doing well, and as far as I can tell, Josh is excited too : )


Jana said...

WOW!!! That is so exciting! Thanks for sharing you news! Blessings! Kane, Jana and Mara Kate

Susanna Rose said...

Kim! Congrats! That is such great, exciting news! We also found out in the last two weeks that I am pregnant again so though Micah and future sibling won't be as close together as yours will be, we'll definitely be two busy mamas!!!:)

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness! Congratuations!

Anonymous said...

WOW congrats!! How exciting!

Natalie said...

Yeah!!!! That is great news!!!! But that sure better not keep y'all away from the beach trip in July!!!!!!! You can't tease us with the first year and than not come again!!!!!! Natalie