Today he had his two month visit to the doctor. He measured in at 23.5 inches long (66%), 11.9 lbs (46%), and has a head circumference of 40-4 (57%). All good stats from what the doctor and nurse say. The doctor asked what he's been eating and we said breastmilk. Then, he called Josh a tank. Pretty funny considering last time he was underweight compared to other babies his age and height. Before the visit, Jason and I were both fearful for our little one regarding his shots, but we prayed for him and everything went well. He got four immunizations today- three were shots and one was an oral dosage. He did scream (to be expected) but not too much or not too long. Afterwards we came home, I feed him, and he went to sleep (lucky man). He awoke a little bit ago, ate some more, and is as happy as can be playing and talking to the farm animals in his bouncer.
Hmm.. what did the farmer say to the dell?
I love this thing!
I hope to put some catch-up pictures from the past two weeks on this weekend. So check in soon and you'll see some more pictures of this little guy. PS- if any of you guys out there (especially if you are far away) have a webcam, we would love to chat with you online sometime soon so let us know!
I am glad his 2 month check up went well! Those are really cute pictures.
On the birth of your child,May the precious new life you've brought into the world bring you a world of new joys.Congratulations to you and the lucky little one.
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