Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Happy 4th Birthday Josh!

Happy Birthday to our sweet son, Joshua Vinson. He got to choose the theme for his birthday party this year and it was a 100% Buzz Lightyear. Josh wore his costume from Halloween and Rachel dressed up as Jessie for about an hour, then she was ready to put on her princess costume which she likes better : )

We had Toy Story named food and yummy cupcakes for dessert. I also wrote a book for Johs, "Can you do it?" I used Toy Story characters and the format from Eric Carle's book that asks questions like, "can you do it?" For example, "I'm Buzz Lightyear and I say 'To Infinity and Beyond.' Can you say it?" Josh really like it and was asking me to read it the next day and the next : )

Jason also made Mr. Potatohead so the kids could put the pieces on him. All the grandparents made the trip too. They stayed for the weekend and we had a great time. Thank you for celebrating Josh's birthday with him!

Happy Birthday to you... now blow the candles out. Yeah! There was no hesitation from Josh with eating the cupcake though only the icing was completely finished. He likes his sweets. It runs in the family : ) Thank you God for another wonderful year with our son. We are so thankful for such as sweet little guy.