Saturday, May 30, 2009

Playtime outside!

What amazing weather we've had these past few weeks!
I'm excited but also sad about the warmer days to come.

Playing with balls. (Josh hoarding them.)

Josh and his love for trucks.
Rachel mastering going up and down stairs!

On the back deck with chalk! They enjoyed putting it in and taking it out
of the watering can the most! Oh, Rachel did try to eat it too!

Getting wet with the Arctic Splash! Josh enjoyed watching the water go down the slide while Rachel tried drinking the water and ended up getting it all over her dress. Oh well, it was fun!

Mommy's new toy that she gets to share with the kids- a bike trailer that also converts to a stroller. I love this thing! And the kids for the most part like it too. So far we been on rides in the neighborhood and on the greenway close by with a friend. I just need to work up my endurance for hills. Pulling 50+ pounds is tricky going up hills. You try it!


Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day!

We had a wonderful and very productive Mother's Day weekend. It began on Saturday morning with yummy sweet potatoes pancakes and cappuccinos made by the hubby, of course. After that we soon got started with some house projects. We needed to move the kid's playroom (which was in the dining room) to the basement since I would be getting my Grandma's dining room table on Tuesday. It was a sad but joyous trade off. I will miss having the playroom upstairs since I could be doing other things around the house while the kids were happily playing and still monitor their behavior. But now, playing in the playroom will require more of my attention since their isn't that much to do in the basement. Maybe this was meant to be... Mommy needs to spend more quality time playing with the kids rather than clean the kitchen? Oh, then there's the new table and buffet! I'm feeling more and more like a grown up these days and am really looking forward to the extra space that the buffet has in it! Yeah, more room for the kitchen items that have been in hiding in the basement.

I forget what we did for lunch but my Mom got in soon after lunch and also helped us in the basement. Josh decided not to take a nap (not sure why) and Rachel only had a short one. The good news though was that they got to spend more time with Bebe this way and Josh got a much needed haircut. You might notice in the picture one of our tools for getting Josh to stay seated and happy- a cookie. Great job Bebe. Thanks!

After the two were up, Jason and I then went off to the H-Mart (an Asian grocery store close by) to get ingredients for dinner. It's silly but this errand was fun for us since it was just the two of us and no kids! Jason planned dinner for us and did all the cooking with a little bit of help. We enjoyed pan-fried wantons, spring egg rolls, salad, Asian appetizers (stuff like kim-chi and seaweed salad), Bulgogi lettuce wraps (Korean barbecue), and sprakling Sake. I know, it was a wierd meal, but we like just about anything and tend to try new things. After baths and bedtime routines, we closed the evening with the newer Pride and Prejudice movie. Very good!

Sunday was a busy day. Jason woke me up very early and we headed off to church. Since we had to be there at 7:30 am, we decided to stop by a Starbucks which was on the way for breakfast and coffee. We walked in and to our amazement it was closed! Mind you, this was a Starbucks inside a Kroger grocery store, but still. It's a coffee stop! It's supposed to be open in the mornings! Evidenlty, they recently changed their hours and we didn't know it. Option two worked out, we still had time to go down the street to Dunkin' Donuts. Whew-hoo! It would have been a rough day (sad to admit) if option two wasn't available.

Church was great! I really enjoyed the worship service and music that I got to play. A friend had requested "Morning Has Broken" for her daughter's baptism. I got to do play this song with piano just before the baptism. It was nice. Afterward we can home and enjoyed lasagna for lunch and once again put the kiddos down for naps and rested ourselves. It was a great weekend! Thanks Jason and Mom! And... my gift came in the mail on Monday. It was a long awaited outdoor table and chairs. Thanks Honey!

Rachel at 11 months

I got a few special photos of "my girl" to celebrate her being 11 months old. I love her facial expressions in some of these. She's really starting to show her fun personality!