Thursday, October 25, 2007

Getting cold...

This morning Josh decided to wake up really early. Since the whole day started sooner, that meant we had to go on our walk sooner, and boy was it cold outside. I think that's what Josh was really looking forward too! Here's a picture of him bundled up in his cute sweater that Mary Busman gave him (Thanks!).

Things that happen in the crib

This past Saturday I put Josh down for his regular afternoon nap. He's great about going down for his morning nap, but will sometimes fight the afternoon one for a bit. So I laid him down, left the room, and moaned and fussed. He was not happy, but what do you do? If I go in there, that will make matters worse because he will see me and be ready to get up and play. So, Jason and I somewhat patiently waited and waited for Josh to go to sleep. I thought, "he is especially fussy. I hope he's okay." After about a half an hour passed, he finally succumbed and went to sleep. Then we sneaked upstairs and checked on him. When we did, this is what we saw...

Friday, October 19, 2007

My Favorite Pumpkin

Last weekend Jason's parents came down to visit and we all went to Whole Foods to enjoy shopping like the Food Network stars. Here are some photos taken in their pumpkin patch outside. As you can tell from the smiles, we had a great time!

Our Birthday!

The weekend before Oct. 3rd, we went to Columbia to celebrate our (being my Mom and I) birthday! On Saturday, Josh got to go tailgating for the first time. We had a great time with the Goode's and Josh happily feel asleep and snoozed through the eating. (No photos. Sorry, I forgot the camera, urgh.) The next day, we got to catch up with family.
Morgan, Deborah, Josh, and Connor

Monkey see, monkey do.
Morgan expressions

Ace and Josh

Josh trying on Ace's old outfit.

A September Wedding