When we got our wondeful dog, Gentoo, I noticed how our adult conversations began including discussions of poops and pees; an essential part of a dog's life, of course. Now that we have a baby (oh my goodness!), this topic has risen to almost every conversation now! Before Josh was born I was aware of how often babies went to the restroom (well- I should say, I knew how often the went in their diaper!); however I don't think this factor really registered until the second week of his life. After changing our wonderful diaper champ (thanks Becca) for the second or third time, noticing the weight of all these diapers, it began to register. Man, he sure does go often!
It gets better though... the conversation that is. First, there's the burps. We have all practiced encouraging Josh how to do this. Lots of fun for the family, and boy can Josh burp well! Second, are the poops. The "exciting" part, so to speak, is what comes before the actual poop (I can't beleive I'm actually writing about this). You know what I'm talking about- the GAS! Often I'll feed Josh, burp him, and he'll simply fall asleep for a few minutes that is. I'll put him down, and he begins his grunting soon to be followed by grimacing looks, a red face, and some crying; all the ingredients for gas and number two. The hard part is watching or hearing him experience gas; a very common thing for babies so I've heard. He seems to be in so much pain and there's really nothing I can do to help him. While it's difficult, it can also be hilarious- the sounds he makes, whew!
Onto the third thing, peeing. A baby needs to pee within their first 24 hours of birth. Josh hadn't until the day after when he was being circumcised. My mom and I were their to witness the event and the sounds went something like this: "Whew," "Incoming!" and "Watch out!" Josh kept a tradition of peeing when being changed after this. The next pee occurred when Jason and I were changing him at home and he decided to bless the wall; fortunately I hadn't hung anything up. Since then, things have improved as mommy and daddy learn the techmniques of diaper changing and everything else.